Drink Local Drink Tap (DLDT) is a non-profit, water advocacy organization, based in Cleveland, Ohio with 501c3 status. Founded in 2009, their mission is to inspire individuals to recognize and solve water issues through creative education, events, and provide safe water access to people in need. DLDT has a desire to protect our water at home while helping to ensure the most vulnerable people throughout the world have access to safe water. DLDT has been a registered NGO or non-governmental organization in Uganda since 2011. In Uganda, DLDT focuses on building sustainable water projects, mostly deep boreholes, for schools in rural villages. These projects are well-planned, mindfully monitored for five or more years and are built to last using quality materials.
Kinetico began its support of Drink Local Drink Tap in 2010 and continues to do so today because they are a like-minded and respected organization that strives to protect the world we live in. When we contribute funds to them, we are confident that our donation is being used to help others have a better quality of life. Their unique approach to projects, expertise and focus on sustainability are the key reasons Kinetico partners with Drink Local Drink Tap.
We challenge the Kinetico Dealer group to raise enough funds in 2017 to complete one borehole/well project in Uganda through DLDT. Approximately $10,000 is needed to complete a borehole/well project which will provide an entire village with clean water. Kinetico Incorporated will match the total amount of funds raised by the Dealer group up to $10,000! So essentially, if the Dealer group raises $10,000 and Kinetico matches that amount, we will have raised enough for TWO borehole projects!